Art is only activated when it is around people.
Surprise - that’s what art in the public realm can be. Disarming people is a way to draw people to art. Nothing is more fun than turning a corner and discovering an unexpected creative project. Everyday people give public art meaning - the locals becomes a part of the work, too. A leap of faith, confrontation, disorientation, curiosity, these are all experiences that can come out of art that is out of a gallery or museum space - where it is free for everyone and a symbol of freedom itself. It can add value to the transience of every valuable moment. The humbling challenge in this kind of art’s success is not as measurable/rigged as the art market. Instead it’s rooted in the risk of the unknown. Since anyone can chime in with opinions this kind of work can result in a kind of public stoning, or, a celebration of a brilliant zeitgeist.